🤖Subjective proof of work

Mechanisms such as PoS and liquidity mining allow “projects/communities” to rely on protocols to evaluate the financial contributions of their members and automatically distribute $tokens.

However, the single-factor proof-of-work mechanism tends to lead to monopoly and over-financialization.

For a community network to continue to spread, the factors for distributing $tokens must be decentralized. In addition to objective work that can be quantified by computers, such as financial contributions, we also need subjective contributions that cannot be quantified by computers, such as social network contributions.

web2 Huge businesses have been born on top of community social networks, such as Reddit, Mafengwo Network, Little Red Book, Zhihu, and so on, all of which originated from a content community. The content creators, social interactors, influencers, and hosts & speakers of Twitter Space in the community social network have all made huge contributions.

What if there was a proof-of-work mechanism that could “Airdrop” based on community identities, credentials, or a proof-of-work framework ? Would it be more effective in helping community social networks to bootstrapping and avoid the pitfalls of a single “financial contribution” proof-of-work. We call this a Subjective proof of work.

TipTag is here to explore this proof-of-work approach, and to help any individual or organization with a good idea to easily create a Tag Space with “NO CODE”, so that all types of contributors can collaborate around a protocol and earn $TagCoin based on the size of their contribution as assessed by the protocol.

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